
David Lloyd


Y tu allan i Gymru




FfuglenFfeithiolPerfformio Barddoniaeth 


Cysylltu â'r ysgrifennwr


I am a writer of short stories and a novel based in 1940s Cardiff. I also have a memoir in progress called The Tracks of My Years – my life growing up in Wales set against the major political and social changes over six decades. I use the Dusty Springfield song book to conduct a process of psychological self examination. I write about the experience of being a gay teen in 1960s South Wales and the journey I went on to find my place in the world. In my memoir I also explore the essence of hiraeth and its relationship to place. My novel SILT is set over the course of seven days between Christmas and New Year between 1940 and 1941. It is a Home Front novel with a twist.Set in the diverse community of Tiger Bay it explores issues of trust, betrayal, crime and desire.

I have been involved in workshops and events for writers over the last six years and recently set up Word Kitchen which promotes the spoken word and gives writers a chance to have their work heard in front of a supportive audience.