Credit: Suzanne Iuppa

Suzanne Iuppa


Canolbarth Cymru






Cysylltu â'r ysgrifennwr


Suzanne Iuppa is a poet, conservationist and photographer, living and working in the Dyfi Valley, mid Wales. Raised in the States, she came to the UK as a young person studying Modern British poetry and subsequently, Countryside Management. An award-winning social entrepreneur, Suzanne has worked in rare species conservation in Wales for over 25 years and now focusses on climate adaptation for people and wildlife. She is Writer-in-Residence at Climate.Cymru.

Suzanne has 11 years’ experience of delivering creative writing workshops for adults in fiction and poetry, particularly in rural Wales and in non-formal educational settings. She is the current Secretary of Cross Border Poets, the Poetry Society Stanza serving North Wales/North West England.

Suzanne has published two poetry series and has contributed many poems and short stories to Welsh-published anthologies since 2013 including collections from Parthian, Culture Matters, Addo, Alyn Books and Opening Chapter. Recent poems can be found in: The Gingko Prize Best Poem of Landscape, Bad Lilies, berlin lit, Poetry Wales, Finished Creatures, Natur Cymru and Ambit. She has been a regular columnist for Spelt Magazine, contributing creative non-fiction on rural living. She is one of five Welsh writers included in Gorwelion/Shared Horizons, a climate futures anthology edited by Robert Minhinnick. She is currently mentored by Photojournalism Hub, London to create photostories on the intersectionality of climate action, government strategy, and climate justice. She is currently writing her first full poetry collection.